Tattoos are the fashion of our century. Even if the history of tattoos has its roots in ancient cultures, in centuries and centuries of history, they have spread in the West, for aesthetic reasons, only in the last century 타투.
Tattoos are an extremely recurring fashion, especially among young people, but not only among them. However, like any fashion, they are not without risks, quite the contrary.
The fact of inserting ink under the skin, and therefore piercing the epidermis, exposes to a series of risks that should not be underestimated. You will always hear it repeated, in fact, that tattoos and piercings should only be done in law firms and that use safe, non-toxic and sterile materials.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and for a few tens of euros less there are those who seriously risk their health, and in some cases even their life. So let’s see what are the major risks associated with the practice of tattoos.
Tattoos: what they are
Tattoos consist of permanent designs that are made on the skin by means of special tools that insert ink into the deep layer of the skin.
The device that the tattoo artist uses to create the tattoos works like a sewing machine and drives the needles quickly deep into the skin by inserting small drops of ink. Generally, light bleeding may occur during the tattoo and pain may be felt (also depending on the area and size of the tattoo).
How to be sure of the seriousness of the tattoo artist
The first point, to check well before going to get a tattoo, is the seriousness of the tattoo artist. By this we mean that you need to ask yourself a series of questions about the studio where you intend to carry out the design.
Always check that it is a firm that has all the legal requirements to operate in the sector, especially including those of health certification. Don’t be afraid to ask to see security certificates.
The tattoo artist must always use gloves, which obviously have to be changed from one client to another.
Pigments must be sealed. The needle must also be completely new and sealed, open in front of you.
Make sure that the equipment used for tattooing is always autoclaved.